Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Take any 10 years of your life and reduce them to 3 word sentences. Every sentence has to be three words long -not two, not four, but three words long.

Daughter loses mom. I’m the daughter.  Just graduated TT. Teaching in Tyler. Living with Rose. Tiny town Troup. Long distance dating.  Liaisons in Dallas. Discovered deceptive side. Christmas in Europe. Wild-A family joke. Discover Dad’s human-ness.  My own apartment. Lonely in Tyler. Learning to teach. Junior high challenges.
Janie joins  P.E.O.  I am crushed. First Christmas away. Travel to Wyoming. A world away. Rutledge Robinson engagement.   Wedding on 7-5-75. Honeymoon in Ruidoso. New CHS job. My dream job. Bought first house. Rich gets married. Janie is teaching. Dad and Tom. Life is perfect.
Perfection goes awry. Moved to Wyoming. Newlyweds with Uncle. Cable TV job. Pregnant within months. That saved marriage. For a while. Moved to farmhouse. Wayne Christopher Robinson. JOY JOY JOY. Building own home. Long working weekends.  Beer and Cousins. Janie marries Luke. Dad meets Chris. No teaching jobs. Finally at McCormick. Meeting new friends. Dad suddenly dies. Miscarriage doubled grief. Pregnant with another. Fear to tell. Stephanie arrives 6/28/82. Comes full circle. Mother daughter united.


  1. Your family is interesting. Hope to read more along the way. I've been told my own is worthy of a written word or two! You have more a flair for words. I hope you develop a good following to make for some great posts. Elise

  2. Elise,
    Don't underestimate your own power of your own words. They will also touch our kindred spirits. If anything, they will be a lasting legacy for your own children. I encourage you to start. You may surprise yourself of what a wonderful release you may discover and what a delightful treasure your will leave your children.

  3. This three word exercise is fabulous - unsettling - revealing. I was touched by your "dad's human-ness". When I realized my dad was human, it deeply affected me. I was a little angry with him. He fell off the pedestal. Later I realized what a gift he gave me - the right to fall and then, get up, with dignity. Since then, I've needed tolerance from my children several times. Dad was a softy in many ways but also the strongest and smartest person I've ever known. What a mixed bag dad's can be. I am grateful I got to see the whole person. He's been gone over 30 years and I went ahead and put him back up the pedestal! So what.


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