Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Quality of Life Debate

I've being hearing these phrases a lot lately when it comes to my pending CI surgery:

 "What have you got to lose?"
 "Won't you definitely improve your quality of life?"

 These questions are put to anyone facing a risk in their lives, so look for a connection while debating your own risk-taking decision.

      My mental debate wants to really kick into high gear and argue that I could lose the natural hearing that I have already have with my hearing aides. But, when I really think about it, that "natural" hearing is not so much from the HAs but from my skills of reading lips and facial expressions, and guessing the overall context of what was said, filling in the blanks. My use of closed captioning is also the biggest assistance when it comes to television.  I kept thinking there might come a day when people could wear a CC device and I could read what they say.  Can you imagine the looks on people's faces when I ask them to put on such a device?
      So, there!  The HAs just made everything louder, not clearer. I'm not losing those little tricks and devices.  They will still be there.   Argument goes to the Pro's.  Next Question.

      Oh, yeah, "quality of life."

     No matter what age you are there are 4 elements to living successfully.  These are not MY words of wisdom.  They are backed up with years of scientific research in the aging process:
Stay Connected
Stay Active
Become a lifelong learner
Find purposeful activities

The CON argument: Life as I know it now.
Stay Connected -  Bluetooth isn't strong enough, so I use those T-link wires to put on my phone and hear conversations.  Hello? What? What? Wait a sec, I need to hook up. (pause, pause, rattle, clink) There now, what? eh, hello? Well, there's always email.
Stay active - I hit the gym with a 20 minute walk every day.  That's 15 laps, no ipod, single file, no talking.  Uh,  join the fundraiser committee? I'm a little under the weather right now...
Become a lifelong learner - I'm learning to use Windows 8. That may take a "lifetime,"  sitting in front of a computer for hours. My eyes are blurry. Need a nap. Or, maybe I'll watch that National Geo program.  Dang, it's not closed captioned! Nap it is. A quilting class? Uh, how many will be there?
Find purposeful activities -  I quilt, and volunteer shelving library books. 

The PRO argument: What life could be with cochlear implants (you fill-in the blank with your own dilemma)
Stay Connected - Bluetooth devices, t-mics and direct connect programs will all be available for better phone conversations. All these will help at meetings or groups, movies, plays, symphonies...
Stay Active -  Going to the gym with a MP3 or ipod  may make me stay longer.  I'm up for a lunch date, a committee meeting, or a take a road trip to Tennessee!
Become a lifelong learner - The CI technology is always changing.  I'll have to stay on my toes to learn all the programs and new products that will help me. There are Ollie classes at the community college with amazing selections, energetic discussions, and delightful connection with the learning community again!!
Find purposeful activities - I will always quilt and shelve books, but I still have so much to offer in women's organizations, church, tutoring.

I see I can "con" myself into believing that I follow all those elements of successfully living now. But, I have to go with the pro's on this one. I wish you the best in your own mental debate.

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